Friday 18 December 2015

Modern Day Samaritan Woman



When time permits I join a group of writers for Five Minute Friday, hosted by KateMotaung. Every week we write for five minutes after receiving a one word prompt. No editing or over thinking involved….Just writing for the love of writing. For more information please visit Kate Motaung at Heading Home. 

 This week we were invited to choose our own word.

My choice was:


Every day of our lives we make choices. Starting with getting up out of bed and for the rest of the day conscious and unconscious choices are made. Most of which we hardly really think about. We just progress from one choice to the other.

But on occasion we are forced to stop and make life changing choices.

During the past two weeks I reached a CROSSROAD in my life where I had to think hard and pray hard and make some life changing choices…

They were not easy decisions to make but they were necessary.

Soul Saving Necessary…


And noted that…

I could continue on an unsteady, unstable pathway…offering only abandonment, loneliness, sorrow and emotional abuse …


I could turn off to the left or to the right and walk into a mist of uncertainty…walk in an entirely different direction, and simultaneously take control of my own life and choices.

So I am choosing a life of peaceful solitude and freedom versus a life of isolated loneliness and confinement.

I am choosing a life of liberty to laugh at adversity versus a life of domination with no voice.

I am choosing to control my destiny versus being swept aside against my will.

I choose for the second time in my life to lay down my plans and dreams ….

I am choosing life…the abundant life offered by my Saviour…

He knows the way and if I choose to listen closely, then I will hear His voice and the mist that surrounds me does not matter…because He will lead and I will follow Him all the way home.

In between, 2016 looms gloriously near with the promise of new beginnings, new opportunities and a brand new slate.


*Hugs* till next time.


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